Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Postage Stamp

One of the greatest misconceptions of the average believer in Jesus Christ is to be used by God they must be a smooth talker, have the latest culturally relevant clothes, and be highly educated. The most influential, the most effective ministries on the planet are not the ministries that have the greatest resources, the hippest strategies, or be the most exciting, but those that display consistency. In the same reality to ultimately create a movement to silence the silence, we have to be consistent in our commitment to stick with our efforts long enough to make a difference. My first ministry position was to oversee the street outreach of an organization that is an advocate for the homeless and disadvantaged of the city where I reside. Four days out of the week, at 1:30 in the afternoon for over 8 years I would hit the streets to feed God’s children that happened to be homeless. The homeless knew that whether rain, sleet, snow, or sunshine I would be out delivering food, hygiene kits, and whatever else they might need that would aid them in their own fight for survival. Through my consistency, not my Bible degrees, sermons, or flashy illustrations, lives were changed. In all reality to silence the silence against injustice we have to make an aggressive commitment to exemplify consistency. Josh Billings, once said, “Consider the postage stamp: its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing till it gets there. “ As advocates of change, as vehicles that God has divinely chose to use we must make the same commitment as a simple postage stamp that can be found in our desk drawer. We must vow to stick to fighting against injustice until we close our eyes forevermore to this present world.

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