Thursday, March 18, 2010


Life often changes as much as the winds change direction. One of my favorite parts of a stellar story is when the author introduces glimpses of foreshadowing. The last couple of days I have been involved in transitioning of my home. in the midst of all the labor that has been underway today I was able to pause and face with excitement of what is to come. As I cleaned out my little girls previous room the revelation that the very room I was sitting in a few months would house new life. At one time in my home I had an office in my spare bedroom, today my office has vanished and the room has now returned into a bedroom that now belongs to my daughter. As life takes us through winds of change and daily task at times tend to stretch us, never forget to pause and observe the glimpses of foreshadowing that at times might be present. Through the essence of recognizing those little hints of what is to come sometimes eases our labor pains.

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Live to Love.