Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Why Not Me?

The Bible tells a story about a man named Job. Job is presented to us as a good and honorable man. He was honest, righteous, and blameless in the sight of God. And he had enjoyed good health and had been very prosperous. But all that changed. Over a period of time, he lost everything he owned, his family members were killed, his servants were killed, and he was left with nothing. In this Scripture we know so much more than Job knew about what was going on. Job was lost as to what was happening. Job just kept saying “I’m not guilty of any sin!” He would say “I want to face God myself and argue my case”. Job basically was saying that God didn’t know what he was doing and how good he was. God didn’t understand him. Job was saying – Why me, why me? I have asked that very same question countless times in the midst of struggles... But in all reality, I guess I need to replace that question with “Why not me?” I mean what makes me so special that nothing bad should ever happen to us? The reality is if Christ is who I say He is in my life, I'm going to be okay regardless of what I undergo in the physical.

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