Saturday, August 28, 2010

21/21 Chapter 3

John 3:3 “In reply Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.”

Probably one of the most common phrases in the Bible is “born again.” What in the world does it mean to be born again? In chapter 3 in the midst of Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus he unveils a great deal about what it means to be “born again.” He unveils unless one is born again, they will not be able to enter the Kingdom, which means that the individual will not be “saved” from the consequences of not accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.

It’s interesting to watch Nicodemus respond to Jesus throughout the conversation. First he is confused as a result of thinking that Jesus is talking about being born again physically.

Then in verse 14-18 we get into the heart of the conversation. Jesus talks about the sacrifice that he will have to endure, he talks about God’s incredible love for humanity, and the reality that those who chose to believe in Jesus will not perish but have everlasting life.
The sad reality is not everyone will chose…

Live to Love.

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