Monday, September 27, 2010

Time changes everything

As I grow older the more I notice how time changes everything.I remember my childhood days when I would travel with my parents to go see my dad's parents. They were the only surviving grandparents I had at the time. I remember my grandfather always talking about sports and selling cars. I remember loving to be around my grandma she was an incredible artist and cook. As time began to elapse more and more and years have fled by, I was forced to witness my grandparents health diminish, ultimately my grandmother passed away months ago. Now my family is faced with another tough situation, we were informed today that my grandfather has less than 2 months to live.

The more and more I look at pictures that were taken in the past, the more I am faced with the reality how time changes everything. Today as you interact with those you love, cherish the time you spend with them because time changes things.

live to love.

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