Tuesday, June 23, 2009



Truth. Big word. We are living and ministering in a world that 

believes there is no such thing as absolute truth. Those thoughts 

permeate throughout our culture and, sadly, our churches.  Recently, 

I was studying the book of Ruth and was reminded of the story’s 

setting: “in the days when the judges ruled” (Ruth 1:1 ESV). As I 

tried to imagine what that world would look like, the final words of 

the book of Judges rang in my head, “in those days there was no 

king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (Judges 

21:25 ESV).  I thought, “Wow, what a horrible time to be alive!” 

and then I realized we are living in the same sort of days. Everyone 

is doing what is right in their own eyes! Truth today has taken on 

an entirely different meaning. Many of those we are ministering to 

doubt the existence of absolute truth. The reality is they believe that 

their truth is truth. Whatever they think, feel, or believe about 

something is truth to them, including the Bible. 

The worst part is that there are pastors who are innocently be- 

ginning to bend on truth in their ministries due to a lack of focus 

from the King of kings to peripheral items that are not making a 

bit of difference for the kingdom. We are driven to look the part in 

every way and to have what we believe will bring in the people. 

The question is: What are we sacrificing for this? We are trying to 

do it all: big buildings, bright lights, snappy music, and slick cam- 

paigns. There is nothing inherently wrong with those things except 

that other things are taking the back seat such as prayer, study, and 

biblical truth on Sundays. 

Have we become so busy running our churches that we have 

forgotten the Truth? Are we contemplative at all or are we too 

busy? We shake our heads when we think of those in this culture 

that are beginning to pass on truth, all the while allowing them to 

creep in and take control of our churches. We are contributing to 

the putrid relativism of our time! That is why the book you hold in 

your hand is so refreshing. It is nothing but truth.  As I read 

through it, I found myself cut to the core many times. I needed to 

hear some of the things Chad has written here, as I often think 

that I am the modern day church Superman. I had to deal with a 

lot of issues during my time on these pages. And you know what, it 

was great! I am fortunate to have many friends that are pastors, 

evangelists, educators, and missionaries. I love them all dearly but 

shudder to think how many of us sweep things under the rug. 

Chad Mitchell has exposed his heart for the Lord and for 

people in a very powerful way. We do think we can do it all. We 

want to do it all. We want to make a difference for Jesus. But we 

sometimes get so busy trying to do it all that we lose focus on the 

one thing that truly matters—Jesus and His love. What are we 

trying to do, build our kingdom or His? My friend has exposed 

himself and his ministry in unbelievable ways in the following 

pages, and I pray that you read this as I did—prayerfully ask the 

Lord to show you ways to move your ministry back toward truth, 

not your truth, but the truth found in the Scriptures and at the 

Cross. We have all done what this books speaks of. The question is, 

will we be open to change or continue trying to be Supermen? 

Thanks, Chad, for sharing truth and love. Thanks for ripping back 

the false façade that surrounds so many of us today. Thanks for re- 

minding us of the real Truth and for making us take an inventory 

of our lives and ministries. 

Don’t put this book down until you have allowed it to absorb 

into your ministry. Buy a copy and give it to your best friend in 

ministry. May these words start a revolution for the One who gave 

His life for us. Let’s allow these words to change our focus from 

ourselves back to Alpha and Omega. I pray you are blessed by 

these life changing pages. 

Trace Michaels, Pastor, 

South Pointe Church, Abilene, Texas 

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