Tuesday, March 9, 2010

From Why to What...

In life we often find ourselves asking why? God why did this have to happen to me? God why did this person have to die? God why am I sick? I challenge you instead of asking why, ask God What? God what are you trying to accomplish? God what are you trying to teach me?

Live to Love.

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff man.....it has been amazing to serve with you for the last five years. I believe you have handled this situation with such grace and mercy.
    Psalm 45:2 You are the most excellent of men and your lips have been anointed with grace,
    since God has blessed you forever.
    Keep going and doing what God has called you to do and know that that the love he has for you is beyond what you or I can even understand....Lets keep doing life together!


Thanks for commenting on one of my Chronicles!

Live to Love.