“What makes greatness is starting something that lives after you.” Ralph Sockman
A few weeks ago I stumbled across this quote, ever since I first came across it, I have really struggled with it. What have I started that will live on after me? Quickly I could list programs I created, ministries I have launched, books I have written, but in absolute honestly, that's not in my opinion true greatness. As my faith matures I have come to the conclusion that true greatness can be defined simply when one begins to grasp true self denial, and because of that self denial is willing to see others become more successful than themselves.I want people to be able to say at the end of my life, "Chad believed in me, when no one else did. Chad gave me a chance when most wouldn't. Chad shared his struggles and shortcomings with me and because of that I didn't make the same mistakes he did. I could go on and on about this, yet since it's late and I am so far behind on work, I'll close with one thought. There is one thing that I think will change churches around the world, I pray the one thing that lives on after me, is as a result of my honest confessions of my struggles, people will see that if God can save an imperfect soul such as myself, redemption can arrive on their doorstep as well, if only they would ask for it's arrival.
Live to Love.
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